Statement on Racial Injustice
INDIANAPOLIS – June 2020. State Rep. Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis) recently joined peaceful protesters at the Statehouse following the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Floyd's death at the hands of law enforcement has sparked civil unrest throughout the nation, and renewed a conversation and call to action about racial injustice in America. Today, Hamilton released the following statement: “Hoosiers, especially Black Hoosiers, are hurting right now,” Hamilton said. “Hurting from a deadly pandemic that is disproportionately affecting minority communities. Hurting from the news of yet another senseless killing of an unarmed Black person. Hurting from the pain and sorrow that comes with centuries of racial injustice.” “We can and must do better,” continued Hamilton. “It's time for us to hold up a mirror, and ask more from ourselves and our fellow Americans. In the days and weeks ahead I will listen to and take cues from my colleagues in the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus, as well as my constituents with lived experience of racial injustice. I will use my voice and vote to amplify the messages of those calling for systemic change in House District 87 and beyond.”