Hamilton Urges Lawmakers to Slow Down Redistricting, Strengthen Democracy with Fair Maps
September 23, 2021
INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis) today released the following statement pulled from her remarks on the House floor prior to the House voting to pass the Republican redistricting proposal with a vote of 67 - 31.
“Our democracy is only as strong and healthy as we, Indiana's political leaders, allow it to be. We have a critical decision to make today, a fundamental decision about how our democracy functions. The maps we have been presented with today threaten our representative government, and I urge my fellow lawmakers to vote no.
“These maps are among the most gerrymandered in the history of our nation and if signed into law will disenfranchise Hoosier voters: urban, rural, Republicans and Democrats, alike. The maps on the table empower special interests over people and squash debate.
“We can vote no. We can go back to the table and come back with maps that will help shore up our democracy and empower Hoosiers. We can bring back maps that will support a thriving two-party system.
“We can bring back maps that create competitive elections and ultimately allow for real debate in our legislative bodies where it is so desperately needed. Let’s bring back maps that allow for common sense issues to rise up over partisan and divisive issues, issues that keep us from moving forward.
“Please, join me in voting no today so we can come back and do the right thing for the people of Indiana - not for ourselves, our political party, or for special interests, but for the people we were sent here to represent.”
Link to video of floor speech.