Hamilton receives Civility in Government Award (2020)

January 21, 2020 - State Rep. Carey Hamilton was recognized by The Association of Retired Members of the Indiana General Assembly (ARMIGA) for exhibiting civility in government in the Indiana General Assembly.

“It is an honor to receive this award from the former members of the Indiana General Assembly,” Hamilton said. “I have tried to follow the model of leaders whom I admire, leaders who are respectful to all and facilitate a climate of bipartisanship and civility. I am truly grateful to receive this recognition.”

The Civility in Government Award presented to Hamilton today was established in 2016. A nine-member selection committee comprised of former lawmakers, lobbyists and members of the media worked together to identify those who:

  • Show courtesy and respect to other members and the public.

  • Exhibit politeness and appreciation for the rights and responsibilities of others.

  • Communicate to develop trust and to find common ground to reach a resolution.

  • Maintain emotional control and demeanor so as to reflect positively on and generate respect for the General Assembly.

  • Hold the belief that the legislature is a valuable institution and that it is a privilege to serve. 

ARMIGA is a group of former Indiana legislators who work together to recognize the good work of current members. The names of the award winners will be displayed on engraved plaques outside of the Senate and House chambers.

Hamilton has served House District 87 in the Indiana House since 2016.


Hamilton supports voter verifiable paper audit trails (2020)


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